Assanouan G.

I first found “halfbike” While viewing a video on YouTube. Halfbike was best suited for me; because it didn’t need any fuel or a charge. It took me about 45 minuets to learn how to ride it.During this time in my life; I was also preparing for a trip to Côte d’Ivoire Africa. And of course, I brought my halfbike with me. In short I suffered a knee energy and a few illnesses. I also found love with my new fiancé Marina. So I decided to stay. Why not?! It’s affordable, the weather is tropical and the people are basically very friendly. In fact there’s a strong appreciation & desire for the halfbike. I’ve been offered on several occasions to sell my halfbike; but sorry ‘no sale’. I’ve been trying to figure out a way to have halfbikes available here in Cocody. For I’m the only one. I’ll keep trying.
The people you see here are not our employees, but enthusiastic halfbikers helping us spread the word. They are not available 24/7 so please be patient and kind.