What are the #hashtag used for social media when you publish photos and videos?
(halfbiker) 5 years ago
Hey Alessio, The hashtag helps people interested in a topic to find it easily by searching for a keyword. For example, if you're interested in seeing more things related to the Halfbike you can follow the #halfbike on Instagram and you'll be seeing every post with that hashtag on your news feed. Hope that helps :)
(ambassador) 5 years ago
thank you ;-) but I use this hashtag: #halfbike #halfbiker #italia #halfbike3 #kickstarter #crowdfunding #machine #dance #balance #strava #newbike and you?
(ambassador) 5 years ago
#halfbike #halfbiker #italia #halfbike3 #kickstarter #crowdfunding #machine #dance #balance #strava #newbike #cycling #gymmotivation #gym #monocycle
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