Almost four years ago, at 46 years of age, I had a life-threatening coronary event that required quintuple by-pass surgery. Following my surgery I began to walk, then jog, six times a week to maintain my cardiovascular health. I enjoyed jogging but was also prone to injuries. Shin splints and pulled calf muscles became a norm and eventually I developed bursitis in my right hip. I had to stop running. Because of my heart condition, however, I have to keep moving. When I saw an ad for the HalfBike I thought, perhaps this is a solution to my problem. I took the plunge and bought a HalfBike 3. I've been riding my HalfBike for about a month now and love it. It keeps me moving, is low impact, gets my heart pumping, and it's fun. I turn 50 in October and currently ride my HalfBike 40 minutes a day, six days a week, and cover a little over 6 miles per ride. If you're looking for a low-impact, fun, cardio workout, a HalfBike might just be what you're looking for.