Last week I experienced the first time a cracking noise in 3rd gear, now when I stop pedaling and start again in 3rd gear, occasionally there is no traction. The yellow lines are matching perfectly in 2nd gear. Seems like there is a broken tooth inside the hub.
(halfbiker) 3 years ago
Hi Stephan, Just sent you an email on this :)
(halfbiker) 3 years ago
Hi Bo/Half Bike: regardless of gear 1,2,3,4, when I step down on pedals, the gear seems to slip, then catches, then slips than catches. At first this only happened every once in a while. I just took the bike out for a spin few minutes ago and it does it everytime on the downward push of the pedals. Any ideas what this can be or how to address? Thank you for the generosity of your time.
(ambassador) 3 years ago
Hey Samala, Just sent you an email. Have a look at it when you have the time :))
(halfbiker) 3 years ago
I have the same issue on my HB3, the gear seems to slip every now and then, regardless of gear. I notice it usually happens after coasting for a bit. It doesn't happen when i am continuously pedaling.
(halfbiker) 3 years ago
I have the same issue as Jianfeng on my brand new HB3. It is slipping slightly and I also notice that it is usually after some coasting. Any advice on this?
(halfbiker) 3 years ago
I have a similar issue. On a ride yesterday, my gear stopped catching. I have worked to align the 2nd gear lines, but my gears no longer catch. Any advice?
(halfbiker) 3 years ago
Hi Joseph, Just sent you an email :)
(halfbiker) 3 years ago
Hi guys, I'm having the same issue. The yellow marks are aligned but shifting from gear 2 to 3 and also after coasting in 3, the gear slips. It appears that most of the time I can rectify this by pedaling backward slightly but not always. It also crackles in gear 1 which I rarely use. Any help would be much appreciated because I love the bike otherwise. David
(halfbiker) 3 years ago
Hi David, just sent you an email :)
(halfbiker) 3 years ago
Hi Bo, I have just started getting this slipping of gear 3 this week. It happens while I am coasting or just letting off the pace abit. Never does it while I pumping hard. It has only ever slipped a couple times as I have gone to push off and get to about the 3rd rotation of the pedals. Any advice please?
(halfbiker) 3 years ago
Hi Chris, just sent you an email. Also, guys if you have a similar problem drop us an email at That way we'll be able to respond faster :)
(halfbiker) 2 years ago
Hello, I have changed the mixed terrain sprocket and I have put the flat terrain one but now the gear sequence has changed, that is when I select the first gear the second engages and the third gear I cannot engage, there is no change from third to fourth gear. Any idea how to solve this problem? Thx
(halfbiker) 2 years ago
Hey Vicente, Just replied to your email :) There's a tutorial you can try
(ambassador) 2 years ago
I am having the same issues. Which tutorial do you recommend?
(ambassador) 2 years ago
Hi Augusto, I just emailed you more information on this.
(ambassador) 2 years ago
So, I just changed my front tire and now my gears are not working at all. Is there a tutorial on the halfbike 3 gears? Is there someone in Raleigh, NC that can have a look and see what I have done wrong?
(ambassador) 5 months ago
I have a Halfbike 3. I can no longer pedal. I pedal in the void. How can I fix this? THANKS!
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