My story about the 65km halfbike
My story about the 65km Halfbike ride around Lake Zurich begins in Miles on a sunny Sunday morning at 8:30am. The weather was fantastic and the roads were almost empty, at least until we headed towards Rapperswil. On the other side of the lake, in the direction of Horgen, the roads weren't as well paved. There were many climbs and roadworks. The first 30 km were pretty easy, but after 40 km it started to get a bit more strenuous, especially due to the unfamiliar posture. You're in that position all the time and you have to keep pedaling. This cannot be compared to a normal bicycle. The Halfbike with the rear suspension constantly adapts to the road, and you have to counter steer again and again in order not to fall over. At km 50 I fell for the first time, but was still able to land on my feet. When I finally arrived in Zurich-Wollishofen, I was relieved. From there it was back to Miles, the last 15 km. At km 60 I fell again, this time I fell hard on the ground and rolled a bit. I got a few abrasions and bruised a tooth, but I still made it to the finish. Conclusion: The half bike is a great challenge, both in terms of fitness and stability. If you are doing a tour for the first time on roads where you have never ridden a half bike, you have to be careful because you can quickly lose your balance. But the challenge is also a whole new way to do fitness. Muscles and concentration are extremely stressed. In short, the Halfbike opens up new possibilities for training and is a great bike to take your fitness to the next level.
1 year ago
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