1. Tell us a little bit about yourself (job, hobbies, etc.) . Where are you from? My name is John Wilhelm www.johnwilhelm.ch I'm 51 years old, living with my 4 children and my wife in Winterthur Switzerland. I'm head of IT of a University here in Switzerland and my hobbies are photography, filming, playing drums, Sim Racing, all kinds of sports and now of course Halfbiking. 2. How did you hear about Halfbike? What made you commit to this new sport? What's your favorite thing about it? I stumbled over a FB ad quite a while ago. I was immediately fascinated but forgot to order it for a few months. Then the ad popped up again and I checked out a lot of YouTube movies etc. I was pretty sure I would enjoy the Halfbike and ordered it. After a few weeks it arrived and I was absolutely impressed by the solid package, the build quality and the look and feel of all parts and the assembled bike. After a few hours I could drive a straight line and now practicing for 2 weeks it's really really fun. For me it's the perfect vehicle to travel short distances and to do a great workout. Man, this little thing really brings you to sweat ;) The Halfbike is definitely a keeper and if money wasn't an issue I would definitely order a second one for my wife. 3. How did your commute/habits change since you got on a Halfbike? How did it look before that? Due to Covid restrictions and home-office I could only use it to drive around for fun, to drop letters to the mailbox or to buy a few things in the grocery store. I planned to visit my mother who's living 5 km away now and then but had a little too much to do during the last few days in my home office. 4. Anything else? I love the Halfbike and I really have to mention how people are smiling at you if you pass them with it.
(ambassador) 3 years ago
hi John happy to find you in this circumstance. I am glad you're starting to use it. I am sure that over time you will like it more and more and you will not be able to do without it as you will have noticed it is an excellent workout for the body and mind. When you want I am at your complete disposal, see you soon. PS: I am a fan of yours page and I love all your works where you involve your family and your very nice children