Welcome to Halfbike community in Singapore. I am expecting my Halfbike 3 between mid to end of August. If you want to try out the Halfbike in Singapore, just contact me. We can meetup for a chat and ride around session. Everyone is welcome to share your thoughts and questions. Cheers.
5 years ago
Hi! Just got my halfbike 3 also.. Very fun to ride, I was thinking if there's any good pedal out there in Sg with a bigger surface area though
(halfbiker) 5 years ago
The was a discussion about the Pedal Innocation's Catalyst pedal. You can check it down this thread > halfbikes.com/pimp-my-halfbike
(halfbiker) 5 years ago
Hi Gideon, That’s great. I’m still waiting for mine. Lol. Let’s meet up when I received my halfbike 3.
5 years ago
@Kee Tong Yeah sure man, I wasn't careful and fell down at q a high speed.. lol, can't ride for a week or so. Maybe we can make a telegram group for SG riders? I saw the catalyst pedal, but I might wanna try clipless pedals, I find the pedal slips from my foot alot when I pedal
(halfbiker) 5 years ago
@Gideon, I just had my 1st ride over the weekend and it feels great. I had been riding a standing bike for a few years so is relatively easy for me to start pedaling. Both bike looks similar, however they are very different in contruction and ride feel. Hope you have recovered. I think we should keep the SG group chat public to encourage everyone to join us.
5 years ago
Great to hear! Yeah I'm better, have still been struggling to ride after about 6 hours of training over past 3 weeks. It's hard to get used to the standing experience and I fear falling but it's feels great. I got the catalyst pedals and bigger handlebars, helps alot lol. Yeah man, let's meet up next time and ride tgt!
4 years ago
Hi, looking for some fun equipment that can provide full body exercise. Stumble upon HB website. Considering to purchase one. Not sure HB2 or HB3 is suitable for beginners like me? Any recommendation from the extg rider? "-)
(halfbiker) 4 years ago
Hey Tesa, With both Halfbikes you'll need some time to learn to ride and get used to them. When designing the Halfbike 3 we took all the feedback we had from HB2 so it's better in every way. Here you can see a side by side comparison of the two models www.halfbikes.com/compare
(halfbiker) 4 years ago
Hey guys! Newbie here. May I know please, if there’s an authorised retailer, or seller of Halfbikes here in SG? Is it better to order directly from them? I’d like to purchase the Halfbike3. Cheers! =)
4 years ago
Hi :) i just bought a 2nd Hand Halfbike:) hehe i m a Newbie
(halfbiker) 4 years ago
Hi @Jovi, I don't think there is a authorised reseller for SG yet. @Halfbike may want to share if there is. Hi @Anthony, hope you enjoy the ride.
4 years ago
Hi all, am thinking of getting one. Is there any additional tax/import duties that we need to pay when shipping to SG?
(halfbiker) 4 years ago
@Alex, yes. You will have to pay local GST when it’s delivered.
(halfbiker) 4 years ago
Thanks @Kee Tong! Yeah, Irina from Halfbike sent me an email and notified me that we can only get one from them. I don’t want to buy a 2nd hand one, as it’s supoosed to be customised for each rider. I’ll be one proud owner soon! =) Cheers! Stay safe!
4 years ago
how easy to ride
4 years ago
Hi I’m thinking of getting a half bike and would appreciate any help in making that decision How difficult is it to ride it? Can it be used on pedestrian paths? How like skiing is it? Thank you for your help!
(halfbiker) 4 years ago
Hi fellow SG halfbikers & to-be, I'm letting go of my halfbike 3 as it is under utilised. If is sad for me as I love the design and engineering of such an elegant bike. However, it is also a waste for it to be collecting dust at my home. Someone else might be able to utilise it better. Drop me a note if you are interested & we can arrange something.
4 years ago
Hi Kee Tong, I'm interested in your Halfbike, can I test ride before i make decision. Please let me know. Appreciate it. Sarah
4 years ago
Hi Kee Tong.. I'm the one who replied you one year ago. My bike also collecting dust. Lol, but plan to take it out again after I pump the tires. @MH G., @Mohd Rafiq G It's like learning how to ride a new equipment, have to learn how to balance and steer with the back wheel. I still have trouble going in straight line and steering sharply so I don't ride on pedestrian paths as too narrow. From my experience the kick off part is similar to riding bicycle, then it's about the balancing
4 years ago
Hi guys, I’m thinking of getting halfbike, but am wondering how steep is the learning curve for someone who is 176cm and 100kgs.. also how long of a distance have you guys gone on the halfbike? Don’t suppose I could use this to go leisure “cycling” with friends on actually bikes?
(halfbiker) 4 years ago
Hi Sarah, Sure, you can come to Yew Tee anytime this week except for Wednesday morning. You can WhatsApp me @ EightSixDoubleNineTripleTreeNine
(halfbiker) 4 years ago
Hi Gideon, I agree, have to be very focus when riding on narrow pathways. I Imagine myself like a F1 driver steering with many small correction. That’s me on a narrow paths. LOL.
4 years ago
Hi Everyone, Saw somebody riding an elliptigo bike recently and went to the Internet to check it out and came across this halfbike. Looks more interesting than the elliptigo bike and smaller in size. Anyone can advise where I can rent one for a couple of hours to try it out before buying one? Just want to get the feel of riding in a standing position and whether I can handle it. Thank you.
(halfbiker) 4 years ago
Hi Chee, We do have quite a few ambassadors based in Singapore, which you can contact for a test-ride. You can see and contact them directly through our map here halfbikes.com/playground
(halfbiker) 4 years ago
Hello.....I have ordered by bike, arrival in Feb. Cannot wait to have some fun :)
3 years ago
I just heard about this. any experienced rider who has tried up hill? how does it go? I didn't see any gear system on the big wheel and the chain goes straight to the center gear, I guess that would be pretty heavy to go into any slope. Care to share?
(halfbiker) 3 years ago
Hi Michael, The Halfbike 3 comes with a 4 gear internal gear hub. Also we offer a choice of different small sprockets. You can learn more about them here > halfbikes.com/how-does-the-halfbike-perform-up-hill
3 years ago
Read about the halfbike a long time ago and was interested in it; thinking about the possibility of purchasing one since its available to buy from Singapore. However i am curious about how it will fare in typical Singapore pavement usage; there are some areas where the pavement has a steep dropoff onto the car roads and then a steep incline back onto pavement (e.g at entrances to HDB areas/carparks etc). Is the halfbike more for casual/leisure (at ECP etc), or can it also handle commuting on SG pavements?
3 years ago
Hi, keen for test ride. This is new from Singapore
3 years ago
Hi All, Keen to own a half bikes, prior doing that, can anyone advise me where can I do the test ride?? I am located @ west part of Singapore.... thanks you for your reply
(halfbiker) 3 years ago
@Daniel.L, as there is no store in SG, you need to rely on an existing owner. The HB isn't a bike you immediately get the 'wow' factor from. This chart summarises the experience - halfbikes.com/learning. What is it you want to know before buying one and having some fun?
(halfbiker) 3 years ago
@Wei Qiang, the HB can manage most terrain you throw at it. The pavements are not that different from European pavements! As you become more comfortable riding it, you will become more confident in tacking more challenging situations. It will not take long.
3 years ago
Really looks quite awesome. Keen on a test ride!
(halfbiker) 3 years ago
You can see and contact all our ambassadors for a test-ride through our map here www.halfbikes.com/playground
(halfbiker) 3 years ago
There is also a Facebook Singaporean Halfbike group here www.facebook.com/groups/495390827301506
3 years ago
Any ambassador here can help arrange meet up for test ride? Western of SG
3 years ago
Hi I am a newbie and would like to test ride the half bike before purchasing it.Any contacts that I could alias on this .Any people that intends to sell of their half bike over here ? Thank You
3 years ago
Thanks Charles for your replied, I contacted Weijie by email, he is the halfbike from the west, but so far no reply from him & yes, I wanted to do a test ride, pls advise where can I do that?
(halfbiker) 3 years ago
Hi everyone! I'm new to the halfbike experience and just started riding a couple weeks ago. However, I realised that whenever I'm riding, it feels like the entire bike is leaning to the left. I'm not sure if it's due to my posture/technique, the park connector path being uneven/slanted, or that I assembled something wrongly when I first got the bike. Does anyone else have this issue?
(halfbiker) 3 years ago
@James, if the bike is stationary on a flat / level surface, does the bike lean? If no, the bike is most probably fine, and it's an external factor I.e. The riding style or the road surface.
(halfbiker) 3 years ago
Hi Charles, I just took a good look at it and yes, it is lending ever so slightly to the left, but I can't quite figure out why. I took some photos but I don't think the lean is visible thru the photos. But I sure can feel it when riding. When I put my handle bar straight, I start moving to the right ^^"
3 years ago
Hi Im new. Can we ride Halfbike on the road just like any bicycle? Or only PCN or pathway? Any requirement to wear helmet at all times?
(halfbiker) 3 years ago
Hi Tee Kong. I'm keen to try the half bike. Can you let me know where please.. Thanks San
3 years ago
Hi I'm also keen to try the halfbike. How do I go about it?
(halfbiker) 3 years ago
Patiently counting days till my order arrives...
(halfbiker) 3 years ago
The wait is over!
3 years ago
How much is the import tax?
3 years ago
I noticed the handle is short, makes it difficult to control the bike. Is there any way to change the handle to a longer/ wider handle?
(halfbiker) 3 years ago
Import tax / GST in SG is at 7% www.customs.gov.sg/businesses/importing-goods/import-procedures/ You pay to DHL before the goods are delivered. You wouldn’t want a wider handlebar as you don’t streer with it. In fact you can’t turn the handlebar like a traditional cycle. Instead you use your body weight to steer the back wheels…much like a skateboard.
3 years ago
Thanks for the advises. Appreciate!
3 years ago
Love to try this, is there a seller in Singapore that allows interested buyers to try the halfbike?
(halfbiker) 3 years ago
Hi Jun, You can see all our ambassadors, that offer test rides and contact them directly through our map www.halfbikes.com/playground They'll probably respond here too and in the Singapore community Facebook group here www.facebook.com/groups/495390827301506/
3 years ago
I have done several 20km rides around MBS and East Coast on my yellow HB3. Surprisingly better workout compared to cycling. The core strength and balance that are required are significant. Totally exhausted after. Like running the same distance without the joint painp
3 years ago
I got my halfbike but can’t figure out how to start. Are there any courses for beginners?
(halfbiker) 3 years ago
(halfbiker) 3 years ago
Waiting for my halfbike to arrive.
(ambassador) 3 years ago
I am a halfbike ambassador who was an inactive old lady. If I can learn a new skill, you can too! You are the power!
(ambassador) 3 years ago
youtu.be/nuM1AMhN0zA Contact me for a test ride. 40+ year old couch potato from busy Singapore! Decided to prioritise my health during Covid-19. Stay Fit and Lose Weight! Integrated halfbiking into my lifestyle by cycling from work. YOU CAN too. The halfbike is a full-body workout, suitable for all ages from all walks of life. Take charge of your health with halfbike. YOU ARE THE POWER!
3 years ago
I noticed that you have a large/ nice pedals. Where do you get them from?
3 years ago
Thanks for the information.
3 years ago
Saw u riding at ECP last week. Would be nice to meet other halfbikers. Still not many of us around.
3 years ago
Stirling, Nice to know you! I stay around the East and often cycle at ECP or Marina Bay. I did not notice you or other halfbikers too. It will be nice to meet. Do say "Hi" the next time you see me. I am new to halfbike, need to learn for the all. I was at Sentosa Soloso Beach last Tuesday. Look forward to see you and the rest around.
(ambassador) 3 years ago
@ Stirling, you saw me and my white halfbike last Wed? Sadly I have not seen any halfbikers so far. If I have a chance to meet any, I will be chasing and calling out to say HI!
3 years ago
The halfbike will slide when being placed on a gentle slope. Anyone has recommendation to prevent it?
(ambassador) 3 years ago
Velcro strap on brake. I leave it on the handle and only thighten it when I need it to hold brake.
3 years ago
I also realised that the HB3 crank length is extremely short at 135mm. Normal bike crank length is 170-175mm. You will not be able to find another crank this size except from halfbike themselves or maybe kids BMX with the same bottom bracket. If we put 170mm I wonder if will scrape the ground or make the bike unable to be pedaled due to the high step height required?
3 years ago
I also realised that the HB3 crank length is extremely short at 135mm. Normal bike crank length is 170-175mm. You will not be able to find another crank this size except from halfbike themselves or maybe kids BMX with the same bottom bracket. If we put 170mm I wonder if will scrape the ground or make the bike unable to be pedaled due to the high step height required?
3 years ago
One side the screw tip (quick release) of the shaft just broken. Anyone experienced this? Not sure whether it is under warranty.
(halfbiker) 3 years ago
CHC. It's common. I'm on my 4th. Contact support and they will send a new one.
3 years ago
3 years ago
Hi All, I just bought a used halfbike and trying to learn how to ride it, had a fall and is still recovering from the fall.. I could go straight more or less, but when I try to cruise I fall, when I try to turn I fall. It's been a week of use so far, is there something I am missing?
(ambassador) 3 years ago
Hi @Alfred K. If you are free to come to the east, we can have a learning session together!
(halfbiker) 3 years ago
Hi all! Got my Halfbike 3 back in March 2021. It's definitely my wishlist for ages, but haven't been well utilized for 7-ish months. So I hope to comeback this time. Probably need some guidance
(halfbiker) 3 years ago
Just changed my pedal to Meroca, similar to Rockbros/OneUp. Took a test drive (possibly my 5th ride, lol) & it sure is an upgrade for comfort! But being someone not so active, got tired too quick. Still lack in balance, turning is a hit & miss. Been enjoying myself crashing, haha
(halfbiker) 3 years ago
Happy to meet for a half bike ride, maybe gardens by the bay? Would love to exchange tips and what works. I’m new to this too. Alfred watch the video from this guy. youtu.be/aGr426NDmdw It got my up and away in couple of days.
2 years ago
I’m expecting delivery of my HB in 2 days time…very excited to start using it. Ultimate want to use it to travel between Punggol and East Coast Park to go for my weekly parkrun. Look forward to more tips from experienced users!
(halfbiker) 2 years ago
I just moved to Singapore following this community for several months already. The Masterplan is to buy a new halfbike online once I will move into my permanent apartment end of August (currently it’s a temporary one very far away). After getting familiar with it I even consider using it for commuting to work (it’s 6-7km only). Any experiences on how long the shipment of a new halfbike to Singapore typically takes? Please let me know!
(halfbiker) 2 years ago
Oh, and a big „thank you“ to everyone sharing his/her halfbike stories here, especially Kate L. You all have been been a great inspiration and now I am really motivated and want to become a halfbiker too!
(halfbiker) 2 years ago
Any active halfbike riders in Singapore?
2 years ago
I am unable to balance on the normal two-wheel bike. Is it advisable for me to try the halfbike? Appreciate any advice. Thank u!
(halfbiker) 2 years ago
@CC there is a very active Singapore Halfbike group on Facebook here www.facebook.com/groups/495390827301506/ @Ling Even people who know how to ride classical bikes would need time and practice to learn to ride a Halfbike. You can contact one of our ambassadors for a test0rude through our map here halfbikes.com/playground
4 months ago
Hi guys, is this group still active? I’ve tried contacting all 3 ambassadors… no reply. Halfbike looks just like what I need, exercise and fun. I would like to try the Halfbike and maybe get one used. Can anybody help?
(halfbiker) 4 months ago
Hi Parh-Jin, Sorry but our Singapore ambassadors are not available atm :) Currently we're running a great promotion of -$150 USD and we also offer refurbished Halfbikes at an extra discount. You can see them in our shop here halfbikes.com/shop/halfbike
4 months ago
Hi BO, I noticed that the refurbished price is only $100 off and not $150 off. Is that correct or a mistake?
(halfbiker) 4 months ago
Yes, this is correct, since refurbished Halfikes are usually discounted by $100 USD
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